Long story short, I met Anna because she randomly sat next to my friend Jeff at a bar stool in a restaurant near Aspen, CO. When Anna started sharing her business with my friend he immediately sensed that we needed to connect. Tits Deep, meet Hoohah.
If you’re wondering what Tits Deep is and what we do, let me rewind to the beginning. In February 2021 I created a small campaign consisting of one box of stickers (now our logo) to sell at the mountain where I taught snowboarding. My goal was to raise funds for my best friend going through breast cancer treatment. I thought, “If I sell 300 stickers I can raise $1,250.” To my surprise I sold out of my first box of stickers in 5 days. And within two months we had raised over $11k. That’s when it hit me, “I need to keep growing Tits Deep to help more people.”
Since then our mission has grown to support young women seeking breast cancer treatment. We empower young women through advocacy, education, and awareness. And we also provide outreach to those in need. Our belief is that women under 40 are not receiving enough support when it comes to breast health. That’s why we are so passionate about creating inclusion amongst young women in the breast cancer community and we do so by bringing together our love of outdoor adventure sports and uncomfortable topics - talking about tits!
Since starting Tits Deep I’ve had the opportunity to network with incredible female founders (many of whom have been affected by breast cancer) who are bringing excitement & creativity to the outdoor space. It’s special to be apart of a movement of movers and shakers who are making outdoor recreational activities more accessible & encouraging for women. We ❤️ you Hoohah!
Founder of Tits Deep for Breast Cancer